An eclectic mix of topics to educate and entertain, delivered to you on a bi-monthly basis.
Each blog post focuses on vocabulary, with some of the more difficult words defined for you. You can download those words as an Excel file, and import them into your Personal Dictionary. Thereafter, you can play 3 word games to practise and test yourself. Doing so will intensify your learning.
Moreover, there is a crossword and a word search puzzle for every post, so you can test your English knowledge, before and/or afterwards!

Reading – one of the most important skills for language learners
Reading is one of the most important skills for language learners, as it helps to improve vocabulary, grammar, and overall comprehension. However, reading in a new language can be challenging and overwhelming. In this blog post, we will share the top tips for reading for language learners.

Doing Puzzles – Educational and Fun
As someone who is learning a language, you may be looking for ways to make the learning process more engaging and fun. Did you know that doing puzzles such as crosswords and word searches can be a useful tool for learning a language? In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why these activities are beneficial for language learners and how you can make the most out of them.

Culture in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is a country with a rich and diverse cultural heritage that has been shaped by its long and fascinating history. From the prehistoric standing stones of Stonehenge to the iconic Big Ben clock tower, the UK has a wealth of cultural landmarks and heritage sites that attract millions of visitors each year.

The UK press – diverse and influential
The UK press is a diverse and influential part of the country’s media landscape. It includes both national and local newspapers, as well as a range of magazines and online news outlets.
The national press is made up of several major newspapers, including The Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, The Sun, The Daily Mail, and The Mirror. Each of these publications has its own political leanings and target audience, and they offer a variety of perspectives on the news of the day.

Dry January – No alcohol for one month
We met up with friends last Friday evening, even though were initially reluctant to go out. The reason for their hesitation was the fact that they were participating in Dry January (abstaining from alcohol consumption), and were worried about being led into temptation by their peers, who would perhaps buy them a wine or beer without thinking.
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