I have defined some of the words (underlined) in the blog post, which you can add to your Personal Dictionary. Click on the Excel icon to download the word list to your PC or mobile device, which you can thereafter import into your Personal Dictionary. They are also listed below.
Scroll down to the bottom for links to a crossword and word search using words from this post.

Comprehension: The ability to understand and interpret what is being read.
Challenging: Difficult or demanding, requiring a lot of effort or skill.
Overwhelming: Intense, overpowering, or difficult to manage or handle.
Understandable: Able to be understood, clear and coherent.
Confidence: A feeling of trust in oneself or one’s abilities.
Gradually: Happening or changing slowly over time, little by little.
Engaging: Interesting, captivating, or absorbing.
Unfamiliar: Not known or recognized, new or strange.
Frustrating: Causing annoyance, disappointment, or discouragement.
Summarise: To give a brief account of the main points or ideas of something.
Interactive: Involving active participation or engagement between people or devices.
Consistency: The quality of being consistent, reliable, and steady.

Reading is one of the most important skills for language learners, as it helps to improve vocabulary, grammar, and overall comprehension. However, reading in a new language can be challenging and overwhelming. In this blog post, we will share the top tips for reading for language learners.

  1. Start with easy texts: When you’re just starting to read in a new language, it’s important to choose materials that are easy and understandable. Start with children’s books or short stories that use simple language and sentence structure. This will help you build confidence and improve your reading skills gradually.
  2. Read for pleasure: Reading should be an enjoyable activity, and choosing texts that you find interesting and engaging can make a big difference. Choose books, magazines, or newspapers on topics that you are already interested in, and read them for pleasure rather than for study.
  3. Use context to understand unfamiliar words: When you come across an unfamiliar word, try to understand its meaning based on the context of the sentence or paragraph. This will help you avoid looking up every word in the dictionary, which can be time-consuming and frustrating.
  4. Take notes: Taking notes whilst you read can help you remember important information and improve your overall comprehension. Write down key vocabulary words, phrases, and ideas, and try to summarise the text in your own words.
  5. Read aloud: Reading aloud can help you improve your pronunciation and speaking skills. It also forces you to slow down and pay closer attention to the text.
  6. Use technology to your advantage: There are many language learning apps and tools available that can help you read more efficiently. For example, some apps offer built-in dictionaries, audio recordings of texts, and interactive exercises that can help you practise reading and comprehension.
  7. Read regularly: Consistency is key when it comes to improving your reading skills. Set aside a regular time each day or week to read in your target language, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

In conclusion, reading is an essential skill for language learners, and with these tips, you can improve your reading skills and comprehension in your target language. Start with easy texts, read for pleasure, use context to understand unfamiliar words, take notes, read aloud, use technology to your advantage, and read regularly to see the best results. Happy reading!



To test your knowledge, why not do a crossword puzzle, using words from this text?

Click here for instructions on how to play.

To test your knowledge, why not do a word search puzzle, using words from this text?

Click here for instructions on how to play.

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