Regardless of the amount of people we meet every day, we eventually have to say goodbye to them. I’m glad you are watching and I don’t want to bid you farewell, before I’ve had the chance to give you a few phrases for saying cheerio in different situations. Let’s first look at ways of formally saying goodbye?


Have a good day.

I look forward to our next meeting.

It was nice to see you again.

It was good meeting up.

Farewell to you.

Have a nice day.


In an informal setting, like after a game of football with our friends at the park, we might say:



I’ve got to get going.

I’m off!

Take it easy.

I’ve got to shoot off.

See you tomorrow.


Here are a few ways we can respond to the goodbye phrases:


Have a great day too.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Okay, nice seeing you again.

Goodbye, take it easy.

Fine, see you later.

Take care.


We tend to use slang expressions when we say goodbye:



Catch you later

Peace out

I’m out of here

I’ve got to hit the road

I’ve got to head out


See ya


Anyway I’m off now, so have a good day and I look forward to seeing you next time.

saying goodbye

Click on the image to watch a video about how to Say Goodbye in English

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