Showing interest

Showing interest

It’s very important when you talk with someone in person as well as on the phone, that you show interest in what he or she says! We can do this by using the phrases you will learn in this video. Let’s start with some ways we can show interest with just one word:...


Well done, bravo and congratulations! These are phrases that we love to hear, because it means we have been successful, even if it is something as simple as being one year older! Let’s look at some other phrases we can use for passing on our congratulations in...
Apologising in English

Apologising in English

I read somewhere that we say sorry on average 7 times a day and the average British person will apologise as often as 200,000 times in their life! Sometimes we even say sorry for things we can’t even influence, like the weather. So let’s look at the different phrases...
Checking understanding

Checking understanding

With so much information being transferred nowadays, it’s not surprising that some of it might get mixed up. Therefore, it’s necessary that we check with the people we are talking to, just to be sure that we’ve understood everything correctly. Let’s look at a few ways...
Expressing opinions

Expressing opinions

America’s thirty-second President, Franklin D Roosevelt, once said that there are as many opinions as there are experts. The truth is; we all have opinions, and we like to express them. This video will help you to choose the best words and phrases when you want to...
Expressing gratitude

Expressing gratitude

It’ll probably not surprise you to hear, that British people say ‘Thank you’ more than any other nationality. No shame in that I hear you say. In this video, we are going to be looking at how you can express your gratitude. Depending on the situation or who we speak...